
Past projects

Diversity at Harvard: Tenured vs. Tenure Track Faculty

Analyzing changes in faculty diversity across different departments from 2011 to 2021.

A Data-driven Way to Find Your Perfect Research Opportunity on Campus

How does one navigate on-campus resources to find research opportunities at Harvard? How has COVID affected this dynamic?

Analyzing HUDS Text Message Feedback

What do Harvard students think about HUDS, and has the recent Covid-19 Pandemic affected their thoughts about the dining service in any way?

Social Media at Harvard in the Age of COVID-19

A look into social media usage at Harvard during the pandemic.

Course Enrollment at Harvard On Campus vs Over Zoom

The COVID-19 pandemic moved classes and activities online. How did students adjust to this new college experience, as reflected by their course enrollment?

MBTI shirt reads "Open Minds Redefine Lives"

Is there a Harvard archetype?

A look at the MBTI personality types of Harvard students.

How Does Harvard’s on-Campus Dining Protocol Fare During the Pandemic? An Analysis of Two Resource Management Systems

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced HUDS to make massive changes in the way it serves students. How do students interact with this new iteration of HUDS? How can the current system be improved?

COVID-19 Closures in Cambridge

Did the lack of students in Cambridge contribute meaningfully to Cambridge business closures?


We built a a student-driven wiki with information about Harvard’s student organizations, dining halls, and campus life. It's a living document — anyone with a @college email address can register to contribute!

COVID-19 Dashboard
COVID-19 Dashboard

Kevin, our tech director, built an interactive dashboard to visualize the spread of COVID-19.

Harvard Open Data Project
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Harvard Wiki

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