How have the popularity, length, and genre of Housing Day videos changed over time?
What are faculty members' donation habits? What causes do they care about most?
Looking at the relationship between lecturer ratings and gender.
An investigation into usage trends of Harvard's Malkin Athletic Center.
Which concentrations draw crowds? Which ones are students most loyal to?
Analyzing ridership across the Boston college T stations!
An investigation of key factors for dining out in Boston via publicly available Yelp review data.
Harvard has a multitude of dining halls and options. But where and when are students eating?
How have enrollments in Harvard's most popular concentrations changed over time?
Which BlueBike stations are most likely to have available bikes? What times of day have the worst BlueBike traffic? How long does the average biker ride?
We built a a student-driven wiki with information about Harvard’s student organizations, dining halls, and campus life. It's a living document — anyone with a @college email address can register to contribute!
Kevin, our tech director, built an interactive dashboard to visualize the spread of COVID-19.